Helping you reduce risk
A local authority can require an archaeological evaluation before planning permission for your project can be granted or as a condition of approval. Evaluation typically involves geophysical survey and the machine-excavation of trial-trenches. Evaluation examines a percentage of a development area to assess the extent, character, and preservation of archaeological remains. Other forms of evaluation include walkovers, test-pitting and auguring.
Infrastructure projects may require large numbers of intrusive investigations at multiple locations. Oxford Archaeology has been the archaeological contractor of choice on the most prominent infrastructure projects in the UK, including HS1/Channel Tunnel Rail Link, HS2, Crossrail and Sizewell C.
Whatever form of evaluation is required, we can provide the service.

Recording the past, on time and on budget
The prospect of an excavation can seems daunting. Recording archaeological deposits can affect budgets, timescales, and profits.
While we will work with you to reduce or remove any requirements for archaeological works, where significant archaeological remains have been identified by evaluation, there may be a requirement for excavation.
Oxford Archaeology is the proven choice for developers. We successfully undertake hundreds of projects every year.
Our excavations range from 1m by 1m test pits to open areas stretching across many kilometres and have encompassed a huge variety of archaeology remains, including palaeolithic flint scatters, Roman townscapes, medieval cemeteries, Spitfire crash sites, and royal palaces.
Whether you are a local builder or an international corporation, we will provide you with the same high level of commitment.