Our people

Mark began his career in commercial archaeology in 2003, having studied Ancient History and Archaeology at the University of Wales, Lampeter, followed by a Masters in osteology at the University of Sheffield. In 2004, he joined the Oxford Archaeology fieldwork team, where he worked until the end of 2007 when he took a three month break to travel northern Europe. Having returned to OA in the spring of 2008, he moved into the burial department.
Mark has substantial experience of both excavating and analysing skeletons having worked on many of the largest burial sites excavated by OA including Pheasant Wood, Fromelles (250 First World War soldiers) Stoke Quay in Ipswich (a medieval churchyard containing some 1100 burials) and more recently Trinity Burial Ground, Hull where over 7000 post-medieval skeletons were excavated and studied in 2020-21. His areas of expertise peri-mortem trauma and the identification of post-medieval coffin fittings.

Zoe hails from Scotland where she began her archaeological career studying in St. Andrews University, M.A. Hons. Following which she studied at Oxford University, PG.Dip., and then at Sheffield University to specialise in Osteology, MSc. After excavating in Ireland, she started with Oxford Archaeology's Cambridge office (then CamArc) in 2007.
After many years in the field Zoe moved on to become a finds specialist, experienced in Osteology and Zooarchaeology. She has been lucky enough to have been involved with a number of high-profile projects; for example, the Fromelles mass grave, Silchester Roman excavations and the Baldock Henge landscape.

Charlotte is a Senior Project Manager specialising in heritage management and historic environment consultancy. She is a Member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (MCIFA) and has over 15 years of experience working in the historic environment sector. Since joining Oxford Archaeology in 2016 she has provided expert advice to clients on a range of heritage planning issues and has managed numerous high profile consultancy projects, including Environmental Impact Assessments, Heritage Statements, Desk-based Assessment, Archaeological Priority Area Reviews, Conservation Management Plans, Local Plan Appraisals, and various Historic England Research Projects.
Charlotte has a particular interest in Landscape Archaeology and prior to joining Oxford Archaeology she managed the production of the Oxfordshire Historic Landscape Characterisation Project. Charlotte holds a BA (Hons) in Archaeology from the University of Durham and an MSC in Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology from Cranfield University.

Helen has wide-ranging experience in heritage management, historic buildings and landscape archaeology, having worked in commercial and academic archaeology, and historic buildings conservation. She produces Desk-based Assessments and historic environment reports including Environmental Statements, Heritage Impact Assessments and archaeology/cultural heritage surveys for Conservation and Landscape Management Plans. Helen is also involved in managing and reporting on upland landscape surveys and contributes specialist knowledge to prehistoric excavation projects in Cumbria and the Irish Seaboard.
Helen has a BA in Archaeology and Prehistory (1995), an MA in Landscape Archaeology (1997) and a PhD in the Neolithic and Bronze Age Landscapes of Cumbria (2005) from the University of Sheffield. She also has a Postgraduate Diploma in Conservation of the Historic Environment (2015) from the University of Reading.
Helen's particular research interests lie in Cumbrian prehistory and the region’s historic landscapes and buildings. She is the archaeology editor of the Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society and sits on the committee of the Cumbria Vernacular Buildings Group.

Ianto is a Head of Heritage Management at our Oxford office. He is a very experienced archaeological Consultant with extensive field experience and over 30 years experience of Consultancy/Heritage Management. He is a Member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (MCIfA). He has produced or managed numerous desk-based assessments, heritage assessments, environmental impact assessments, historic landscape characterisation projects and Conservation management plans and has Public Inquiry experience.
In his 30 years with HMS Ianto has done or managed a wide variety of interesting and challenging sites including a Condition and Management Survey of the Avebury World Heritage site and the Ridgeway National Trial, Environmental impact Assessment input for both HS1 and HS2, the production of the Urban Archaeological Database for the Historic City of Oxford and a range of strategic projects including the evaluation of Setting issues in Planning Inquiries in England (carried out for Historic England), a review of the use of Historic Landscape Characterisation in the Irish Republic (carried out for the Irish Heritage Council) and a review of the assessment of Cumulative Impacts in the Environmental Impact Assessment of the effects of the construction of Off-Shore Windfarms.
Between 2000 and 2009 Ianto managed and had significant input into a long term Archaeological Watching Brief carried out during the exploration, stabilisation and ultimate infilling of the post-medieval stone mines at Combe Down, Bath. This project, which involved the use of an extensive suite of recording and prospection techniques including video photography, laser scanning, 3D modelling and innovative artefact recovery and conservation techniques was Highly Commended in the Most Innovative Archaeological Project category at the British Archaeological Awards in 2012.

With an education initially in Geology and then HR, Alasdair comes from a background of over 23 years’ international commercial experience, with the last 15 managing projects and teams. The move into HR came from an enthusiasm for helping people to develop professionally and to enjoy their working lives, which led to many years of involvement in recruitment, training, development, coaching, and mentoring.
Having joined OA in July 2022, Alasdair manages the Group HR team in our Oxford office. He has responsibility for delivering all Human Resources activity at Oxford Archaeology, and for helping Oxford Archaeology to deliver the business strategy and plan by integrating fully with people practice.

As the Learning and Development Officer, Elizabeth is passionate about helping individuals unlock their full potential through learning experiences that enhance employee performance and drive organisational growth. She works on a range of projects, from designing training initiatives to assessing skill gaps and refining performance management processes.
Prior to joining Oxford Archaeology, Elizabeth spent many years in hospitality, event management and travelling the world working on private yachts. Throughout her career, she has had the opportunity to work with diverse teams and industries, developing a deep understanding of the specific learning needs of different roles and functions. Elizabeth's subsequent academic studies in BA History and an MA in Museum Studies, along with years of volunteer work in community archaeology, reignited a deep interest in our human past. In 2021, she decided to pursue a career in archaeology, spending two years as an OA fieldwork archaeologist before moving into her current role.