Why archaeology matters

The physical remains of the past hold our shared story. Understanding what came before us creates a sense of place and identity which can inform and enrich our lives today. This is recognised in the UK's planning process, which seeks to strengthen local economies, support communities, and protect and enhance our environment through consideration of archaeology and heritage in development. Through our investigations, we help to physically and digitally preserve the past and ensure it is accessible to everyone now and forever.

School visit on an archaeological excavation

Project feed

Every week our teams of archaeologists are uncovering interesting finds across the country. Whether it is an artefact or an ecofact, each piece of evidence helps us build a more detailed picture of the past. 

Join us in an exciting journey of discovery through our Project Feed.

Portrait of Lauren McIntyre

Lauren is excavating Roman cremations in the East Midlands 


After days of rain, Lauren is making the most of the sunshine to excavate and lift some Roman cremations. The cremations, some deposited in urns, some directly into the soil, will then be analysed in detail in the lab.

Lauren excavating Roman cremations
artefact icon
Portrait of Ken Welsh

Ken is excited to announce OA's Carbon Reduction Plan


OA aims to be Net Zero Carbon by 2050; the Plan is the first step which sets out changes and sustainability improvements we will make between now and 2027. Check out the Plan here 

Cover of the OA Carbon Reduction Plan